Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Cold War: People talking about blowing themselves up

Headphones, A George Washington, two Jeffersons, and a Lincoln, wine butter steaks and a tenor saxophone. 

Hell! Just to say her name would suffice.
Every time I throw the dice,
the sky spits and earth jitters
life isn't pie and apple fritters.

And yet her name
it is so simple
four letters
two of them the same
two consonants  and two vowels
her stare making me sweat (two towels)

she sneers at me
I don't know why
she really must hate my guts. 
I guess,
Life isn't apple fritters and life ain't apple pie.
5 4 5 (13)

Breaking News:
Fidel Castro has been associated with the country-western band "Cowboy Boots and Beef Jerky" in an attempt to hide from his classical-flavored cousin, Raul. Apparently Castro has been sitting in as the band's temporary cow bell player. "I had no clue," said Rusty, the lead singer. "We all thought he was okay because of the facial hair." Rusty and the rest of the band have been taken into custody of CIA and are being interrogated right now. Hopefully this incident will serve as a vehicle to stop the horrible and destructive country-western music genre and perhaps Communism. Only time will tell...

Nothing more.
