Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flowers for Cameron

2 starbursts left, two number two pencils, and a box of ultra-sox kleenex.

The equation for the word "blog" is quite simple. It is a single replacement reaction. We(b) + log = we blog. Only just I blog by myself (with horrendorous grammar). I don't like grammar. It should up and leave me be - ain't grammar already dun enuff? But it is essential - I don't want to talk like an idiot, after all. I just like reading books, and they usually have correct grammar, ergo their grammar is passed onto me. I am a monkey see, monkey do learner, more than read-a-book and think about it learner. My version is more effective; but it does have to do stuff with monkeys. Too bad I am mortal enemies with all monkeys. Ponder, (*_*)

I feel like saying random words until I think of something to write about, so I think I will.

Firewire cable, harmonica and my starburst
charger and two speakers, with a cup 
filled to the brim with all of two pencils, and a
"Dummies" guide to drumming with
a CD with DayQuil (here it comes)

Angry Onomatopoeia! When I feel like an acrophobic strung on a flagpole, the last thing I want to do is swallow a pill the size of an elephant (it might be bad if you were afraid of elephants as well). The DayQuil pills are over sized, like fast food drinks and Tom Cruise's ego. Usually, I am fair swallowing pills. Most are happy to slide down my throat without giving me a gag reflex. No matter how sips of water, brain waves sent to my larynx, reassuring qualms from myself, I could not down those pills. Instead, I just destroyed it. I am becoming bitter, but that pill was on my last frustration. Ponder, 10x10.

Whatever. I am not feeling funny today, just angst. I didn't play the saxophone today, that must be why.

A saxophoem

slender as i caress 
your brass castings
cold as i bless
your low Bb key

Hahaha!! Saxophone jokes. Lordy. 
Good night to you, sir.

Greyboy and the Blues

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