Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Terrorist Fist Jab

Kleenex, a stupid DVD+R disc, and a notebook that should have been in my backpack

I was playing the harmonica in Food Lion today, and it was really loud. ReallY LOUD. People look at me, more then they normally do. I have more energy today even though I had less sleep last night. I also slammed the shopping cart into its home. If aliens came to this planet, they would note how people in swimming pools swim nowhere and that the shopping cart system is the only perfect thing on this Earth. They would also enjoy sunflower seeds, and most marsupials. In fact, the aliens are SO interested in the marsupials, they leave them on a planet. One day, humans will find a planet of marsupials. Just wait. Ponder, 2 seconds.

Johnny was a loner. Just kidding, Johnny was quite the socialite - living in rich Manhattan had given him friends and fame. Too bad Johnny was poor - he didn't have any money. He just pretended and had clothes. People just assumed that he had money. They picked up tabs for him, did his dry cleaning, and bought him elaborate presents. Johnny slept in his Lamborghini and showered at the local YMCA. Lucky for Johnny, none of the Manhattanites walked through back alleys.  Ponder, ninety million nothings.

YMCA song

old men and women bathroom halls
naked arms and naked breast and naked balls
tampons on the bottom of the pool
having a period is not that cool
Sweaty by the masses
lots of fat asses
I hate the YMCA

The bed is calling me, 
so I bid adieu

Greyboy and the Blues