Sunday, January 25, 2009

Revenge of the Vacuumpires

One Rubik's cube, harmonica, and two empty vinyl gloves.

Just kidding, turns out the immortality-ness in my next life was a charade. The evil sales wizard Merlinock granted me eternal life from the pond and my "lifetime" warranty had run out, deeming my warrant for immortality useless. Ponder, 5 minutes, and 55 seconds. 

I hate vacuuming. It must be the constant drone and whirring of the machine, or the fact that "vacuum" has two "u"s side by side, which is dangerous and unlawful. Some people like to vacuum when their baby can't sleep. This should also be unlawful, because these babies will grow up to be "vacuumpires", soulless shells who live only to vacuum. They are similar to the Janitors, half cleaning detergent-half human beasts that live to wash the hallways in the darkness of the night. Vacuuming today, I felt the primal vacuumpire urges wash over me - suddenly every spec of dust, crumb particle, small shred of paper came to me. I had to fight the urge to clean the whole room. I fear that I may be turning into a vacuumpire. Ponder, 13 dozen seconds.

As I lay in the bed beside him, I tried not to think. He looks the same, and he coughs the same, and his sneeze sounds like himself. But he doesn't move correctly and his voice is barely recognizable from the past. At least all of the memories are intact. Ponder, infinitely.

I have a New Year's resolution, just like the normal people. I promised myself that I would live this year without any regrets - not in the thought that I will try to remain like the majority, but the fact that I will not care what anyone else thinks. It is really hard - to shrug of anything embarrassing. But really - if you don't like a person, then why would you care what they think? If its a true friend, would they really care if you did something silly? Ponder, 6 - 2 + 9 and a baker's dozen.

Counting the seconds, counting the minutes, the hours
bringing you chocolates and flowers
call you on the phone really late
make a day for the next date
and why do I care so?
why did you go?
I thought we loved although
why do I care so?

See you on the flipside of the moon

1 comment:

  1. "Forget regret, Or life is yours to miss" -Rent

    Someone should make a movie about bloodthirsty vacuumpire housewives.
