Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I already have two ears!

Three homemade cheese pizzas, Joe Cocker, and a massage chair.

Silence is a wonderful thing - its kind of a hard notion to configure in your brain. The fact that silence could overpower words and sounds is unnerving to some, blasphemy to others. Try this - on a piano, any kind (as long as it is acoustic), sit down and play the middle C, with the sustain pedal down. Now wait - and listen. If you listen hard enough, another tone becomes evident. After more listening, yet another emerges from the sustain. Perhaps not silence, but just one small word or phrase could be just as powerful. Ponder, for one minute.

Yesterday was quite a day - one for the history books as an old person might say (I bet that few did). The first black president - that is truly amazing, something that the whole world should be proud of. It is like America has come out and said "No more cowboys and ranches; let's get down for some real business." Ponder, half of two minutes.

The Accident is becoming more evident every day. I remember that night - the moment I received the phone, the car ride toxic with baited breath, the waiting room and The News. The surgeon came and told us of the surgery - as I held my mother, I wondered 'Who will hold me?' as the doctor recalled the surgery. Those words - the most chilling words, words that spun like a blizzard through my body - those fateful, fearful, unfair words that spilled out of that man's lips. I could only focus on his eyes, his cold, calculating, blue eyes. I failed to read his mind, but his words said enough. For the first time in my life, that night, I was defeated. Everything before that night failed to scratch me. Ponder, infinitely.

time after time again
let time again let me lend
perhaps my time to some other
protect them from harm, give them cover
maybe then, will time undo
my sins and pains I will say adieu

night and night
from darkness to light, that
with me in limbo
forgive me, time is a bimbo
release me from my mortal gain
of time and space that I might tame
to bend the stars
to my favor
by boats planes and cars
to travel me braver

Greyboy and the Blues

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