Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When Sunny gets Blue

Spoon, kind-of-stolen tuner, and little guitar.

I have an AP exam coming up. In AP European History. I really, really loved that course! My teacher was amazing, and everyone was really tight and we all helped each other out. It was almost like the Paris Commune, only we didn't each dogs (or each other). Whatever. Ponder, 80 questions in 55 minutes, 1 DBQ, and 2 FRQs. 

I wrote another song for her. I can't believe it; sometimes I think she is my muse. She probably is. Irony is so stupid.

I wish love would come to me
I wish my love was meant to be

When I look to you 
even when the sky is grey
I'd lighten up
and you'd brighten up my day

Chorus: You're the bounce in my step
the apple in my eye
My moon and my stars
The tears that I cry

Your hair of gold
and your eyes of deep blue
Your face like the sky
If only I could sing to you

I wish love 
would come to me
I wish my love
was meant to be


For you I'd do
most anything
Like run to Mars
or go to Smoothie King

I'll make dinner
and lunch and breakfast too
I'll write a song
and I'll sing it just for you 


I'd follow you
To where the sea meets the sky
And I will love
and that ain't a lie

Remember that war isn't glorious
and life is ugly
love is beautiful
but it don't like me

I wish love 
would come to me
I wish my love
was meant to be


Thats all I got.
Let your dreams run wild. Only in your head though.

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