Monday, November 23, 2009
Life, my dear, is a fickle friend
he's with you till the sidewalks ends
no doubt about it, that lying thief
always takes my trust and leaves me grief
Life is like my milk.
I love milk.
But if you buy too much at one time, then it expires.
So I buy only two gallons of milk. (I have a glass of milk with my cereal).
Oh, and I drink life from the carton.
On Tissues:
The best tissues are not Puff's Plus.
Nay - the best tissues are the two-ply proletariats of Kleenex, the workhouse comrades that uplift the whole of peoples to proper nose-blowing. The tissue should be grasped by placing the thumbs firmly on each side of the tissue, with the fingernail about a half-inch from the lining. A satisfying, wholesome nose-blow should be full of texture and volume, and delivered in a single, blasting manner right into the center of the tissue. After the excavation, the thumbs should retract and the main fingers of the hand should be used to draw the center of the tissue down and away from the nostrils, sweeping any stray object into its beautiful two-ply construction. Then the tissue should be examined for any unwanted subjects in the discharge (i.e. chocolate or other foodstuffs) and then discarded.
The problem with the Puff's tissues or any tissue that offers softness is their ability to draw the material from the nasal cavity. In using a soft tissue, these unwanted remain are left to dry and harden, becoming an object of attention for other patrons. Also, the use of a "Plus" tissue leaves the user with a feeling of regret and incompleteness, which I find can never be avoided.
Therefore, the whole of society should revert back to the use of the humble and appropriate two-ply Kleenex brand tissue. It's modesty is punctual and very much useful, more so than the idle, lazy Puffs brand.
Thank you,
a concerned consumer and connoisseur.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Go, Going, Gone
I want to go.
To places I have never known, and will never get to know.
I want to wake up every day and get lost, and then find my way. Only to get lost.
I want to struggle with language.
I need to go.
I need to go to Italy, to Europe, to somewhere without America. I want to see the past and the future collide, I don't want to live in the present. Forget tradition and being safe and sorry, I want to be smiling where it is sunny and the water is clear and people don't talk in a language that is easy to speak.
I wish.
I wish I knew what it was like to not be American. I want to be born in England, or Czechoslovakia. Maybe Denmark. Definitely Switzerland. or Belgium.
If only.
I could go.
Be going.
and be
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hello, Internet.
If feels good to, once again, write on your vast walls, to scribble little memories and splatter stories on the cavernous alleyways that are your body.
I came for the truth, but the truth came for me.
I came for the lies, but the lies came for me.
I came for the love, but love can't set you free.
Just me.
The Anniversary is on this day. I remember it. It seems like a dream. It felt like a dream. In some ways, what happened 10-16 was a dream. A very badly written, teary, sadist-masochist dream. It happened here. In reality, but it doesn't feel that way. I want the past to rewrite itself, to re-right itself.
But it can't. Time is a fragile and broken, out-of-touch deity. It never does what you want it to. Even though it travels in a straight line, it still gets knots.
And you can't untie knots.
He took a fall.
He fractured his skull.
He had a concussion.
And then they said would be okay.
[...] (This is where the knot is)
I arrived at four of five o'clock in the afternoon. It was sunny, that dark dismal dreary doldrum damned day. My uncle dropped me off by the emergency entrance of the hospital, and I began my ascent into the ICU grotto. My journey took through a back entrance. I walked like a ghost, or like a man going to a funeral, and like a man [period] I wore a ragged smile on my face, and I held anxiety in my twittering hands. I found the ICU waiting room - a small labyrinth of cubicle walls - and my mother. Needless to say, she was not completely sure of the situation. Other people sat through the walls around us, craddling their heads in SorrowFearAnger. No one could get cell reception. There was light, and a little of it, but not enough.
None of it was enough. Nothing a doctor could say could fix anything. Doctors are trained to give the worst case scenario so that all hope is crushed. And if they are wrong, then no one is hurt. No their fault really - they get crap for being the bearer's of bad news.
The system told us he was going into surgery. Complications. Blood in the brain. Swelling. Demons. Pressure. Brain, surgery.
We waited in the OperationRoom waiting cell. We met someone who had a brain injury. My mom read magazines. A friend of her's (an ER doctor) called all of Jim's family to tell them what had happened. I wrote down the Lord's Prayer. We felt the SorrowFearAnger.
Then Dr.F----- came and broke the tension. With a double sided sword. As I recall -
"IF he makes through the night, there is a SLIM TO NONE CHANCE that he will ever be the same." Dr.F was 6'5", grey haired, and big. Looking down. Those words dropped like a tree.
if a tree falls in a forest...
but we heard it. it was a gut wrenching noise - have you ever heard a tree fall? So many little things snapping and crackling, they come together in a guttural democracy of cacophony - each little snap is so silent, yet one thousand of them together is enough to deafen the ears of the mighty and destroy the minds of the weak.
some would say we were deafened.
never -
the ride home that night was
My uncle followed us home, and in case my mother had to steal back to the hellspital in the darkness of the night, he would be there to help my brother and I get ready for the day.
There was a phone call that night.
And just like, when you search hard enough to find light in an abyss, just like when you strive to hear mellifluous music in the melancholy melody of life, we felt hope that night.
Simply, a light in the shape of a hand - the four fingers curled peculiarly into the palm, the thumb stretched towards the heaven - a simple, kinetic, universal, godly, loving, symbol. Maybe that's all I needed. That night, my father, after suffering a skull fracture, a concussion, swelling in the brain, and perhaps irreversible damage to the brain stem and maybe even more things that we couldn't even yet comprehend, that father, simply said to us "yes."
I still don't know what it means.
I do not struggle with Adversity - Adversity struggles with me!
I do not bow down to Calamity - I show myself before and Calamity falls on its bloody, broken knees.
And while sometimes I feel that I do not deserve tragedy and strife;
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me."
Psalm 23:4
I hope I don't appear evangelical; I hope not to convert anyone.
I am just a boy walking. and walking. and walking.
Sal am,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Desires (piano)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
God. I really screwed it up. I am just now realizing my shit-crap mistake. Usually I remember mistakes and shudder, smile, roll my eyes, and pass on, but this mistake is too far-fetched for a traditional rememberance. I'm just too damn creepy. It could have happened. I need the courage. Honestly, I missed my quota. Ponder, lately.
Ok. I hope you have seen the new Pizza Hut commercial. The one about "the Edge". It makes me want to strangle someone, for instance the young child in question or the particular commercial writer. Yarg! Pizza is NOT about the toppings, adolescent fool! Pizza is about the crust. If you knew your pizza history, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Pizza evolved from an herbed flatbread thousands of years ago, a flatbread baked on the hearth, underneath the fire. The word 'focaccia,' (an Italian cornbread that is very similar to pizza) actually derives from a Latin stem that means ashcake. Before 1890, pizza was often a flatbread with with onions, anchovies, or tomatoes on top. Then Pizza Margherita was introduced in honor of Queen Margherita (not the alcoholic beverage). Pizza Margherita was topped with simply sliced tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese (for the first time ever)! The point of this tangent is that pizza is about the crust, not the toppings. Before one masters pizza, one must master the dough. Ponder, "herbed" is probably not a word.
Night you all.
Hey, when in Spain!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Blogger Returns
So. Hello again. We haven't spoken in a while; my name is Cameron. You are the world-wide Web. It was nice catching up. Let's get to business.
I went on a pilgrimage. It opened my eyes. They were shut; now they are receptive. I realise the power of silence. Before I had acknowledged it, but now I understand and embrace it. People are too loud. I wish people could slow down, and just go to the library or go for a walk or read a book. Instead we are trapped in our cars and schedules. We do it to ourselves. We should stop. Busy-ness is overrated. I'm not encouraging idleness, just contemplation. Have you ever just laid down in the grass for no reason? Have you ever meditated? Have you ever just sat and thought? Sometimes the answers to these questions are "no." Then I tell them they were rhetorical questions, and they needn't answer. But nonetheless, everyone should try to slow down. Ponder, 2(3+2) = 10.
I like making things from scratch. I shun pre-made pizza crusts and pre-mixed ingredients because that is cheating. One time, I made tomato ketchup just for a barbecue sauce. It was cool. Did you know that tomato ketchup or catsup evolved from a Chinese fish-based condiment called ketsiap. It was adapted by English sailors and eventually brought to America. Different varieties ensued, such as mushroom ketchup, but in the 19th century it was tomatoes that gain their rightful place as the ketchup base. I like to say that I made everything. When I do New-York pizza, I always make my own sauce and my own dough. I don't have a cow to make the cheese, but I always choose the mozzarella blocks so I can cut it myself. I started an herb garden. Basil is so awesome and aromatic. Best herb. And then oregano. Marjoram. Ever heard of it? It's a cousin of oregano. I think spinach and basil are related. Anyways, when things are made from scratch, then they are usually healthier. At least in my kitchen, because I don't own high fructose corn syrup. Corn products, and pork products, are bad for your body because it doesn't really know what to do with them. Besides, Coca-Cola made without high fructose is better for you and it tastes better. If you want some, order it from Mexico. They make it without that corn-crap. Europe also shuns corn syrup. But they are just smarter than America. The food industry in America has a monopoly over the business. They completely control food in America. So fight back! Become a locavore (one who uses local ingredients and such) and make food from scratch. Ponder, pizza neopolitan.
I don't like people who pretend like there smart. Yes, it's possible. They will just repeat things smart people say, or just know one fact and simply reprocess that fact. Sometimes they will read things out loud. I'm at a museum, and this anti-smartsy is going through an exhibit and he just says "Oh yeah, there's the 'Landlocked stage' and then 'Continental shift and motion' with 'Shallow Seas'", reading off the titles of some of the micro-articles. I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure all of us can read. Thanks for making a fool of yourself though. It was fun. Let's do this again sometime.
Oh well. In heart, everyone means good. Whether for themselves or otherwise, they all strive to get attention in some way. No one means to come off as a moron. It just happens. Speaking of the word "moron," John Malkovich manages to say the word nearly a million times in the movie Burn After Reading. It was funny, but I want to see The Big Lebowski. Ponder, why the hell did Brad Pitt have to die?
Cool, cats.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Stella By Starlight
I am terrified of talking on the phone. I don't know why. I just freeze up, and for some reason I just want to email instead. Sometimes I beg for the answering machine. But today I faced my fears, and now I have a gig. Good deal. In retrospect, it seems my fear was irrational. I guess, the phone is a commitment. You can leave an email or a text message, but if someone calls you, you can't just up and leave. I'm scared of commitment. That's why I don't have a girl. That and I'm part creeper. But I fear that I may not be committed. Or that she may not be committed. But in the end, I will figure it out. Ponder, eh.
I am Episcopalian. I love the Episcopal Church. We have freedom, and instead of just handing you a set of beliefs and rules and curriculum, we have questions. What does God mean to you? Why? If you disagree with this person, that's fine. Let's go have some drinks. We still have wine, and it tastes pretty good. There is such a variety of people, and we all love each other. We accept gays and lesbians, and they are some of the most awesome members of our congregation. The Anglican sect (Episcopal is the American Anglican) is the second largest in the world, next to Catholicism. Speaking of religion, I heard an interesting point - sometimes the people who doubt a religion also know more than the average church-goer. Because if you doubt, you think. If you have "faith," then sometimes that means you are just a blind follower. I encourage you to think about your own morals and ethics and beliefs and question them. C.S. Lewis, who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, was originally a scientist. His goal was to prove that God didn't exist, but instead he ended up embracing Christianity. You might be thinking "'Deus ex machina' much, pal" but I want you to think about who you are and what you believe. Ponder, and also with you.
I hate bugs. And bug bites.
Go to sleep.
Good night.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Band Camp
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
On Food.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
The End
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Real Book
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Book and Set: Time = nothing/everything!
Friday, May 22, 2009
On Dreams
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Shimmer and Shine Shine Shine
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I am.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jazzed in My Pants
Thursday, May 14, 2009
On the Impurities of Busking Discrimination
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
26 Ways To Kill A Man With A Lemon

Water, Saxophone (yes), Dolly Parton Bluegrass, and Pen.
Twenty-Six Ways To Kill A Man With A Lemon.
I read a New Yorker comic recently:
Two men. At a bar. The one on the left is in a business suit, the one on the right in a leather vest, sunglasses equipped with a shady bald head. The man on the left says "When life gives me lemons, I know 26 ways to kill a man with a lemon." I was like "ha ha!"
1. -obviously- Skirt the lemon juice in the eyes of victim until he drops dead (may require more than one lemon).
4. Hurl seed at victims jugular, hoping the seed hits and splits the vein open.
7. Attach lemon to thumb, use to poke the victim in the eye.
16. Find a stick. Spear the lemon with the stick and beat the victim using the stick as a blunt object.
20. Cook a fish with a slice of lemon on top. Then feed the entree to the victim and hope he/she chokes on the lemon slice.
26. Forget about the lemon and attempt to make friends with victim. Have life adventures, share bromance and become brothers-by-matching-tattoo. While the victim is getting his picture taken by the bridge, throw the lemon at victim so as to knock he/she off balance and into the rive. Preferably San Francisco. Then mourn loss. Then buy another lemon.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
When Sunny gets Blue
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Ultimate Third Wheel
Cowboy Boots and Suspenders
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I had ribs last night, and I didn't get the Swine Flu.
Monday, April 27, 2009
And the rain keeps...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I am addicted to Grape Soda
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Cold War: People talking about blowing themselves up
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I would drive you, but I'm morally against the idea of Dogs
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Show must go on.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Its Poetry Month, so go poetry yourself.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't break my elephant, bitches.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hohner. Yes Man!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I had souvlaki, and I liked it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I actually don't know why cave fish are blind.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Night of the Living dead aliens, from hell
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Lucky So and So
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Army of Starving Arabians
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Open Sesame, Bitch.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Those People
Monday, February 9, 2009
Yoda and the Funk
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Stories from the Block
Monday, February 2, 2009
Pillow Slams, part 1.
Graced by glorious down and soft to the touch
thou art what I sleep with, for thee I owe much
To fertilize my dreams
On which my head leans,
My pillow.
Soft and luscious,
flight and flaky
go dreams,
and do take me
far away,
where heaven lies,
a place of ice cream
and butterflies
I ride upon,
thy golden mount
From the beginning
of the sheeps I count,
to the end
The alarm I flount.
My Pillow.
Oh my majesty,
where doth thine magic lie?
In thy bindings,
or the feathers that used to fly?
I will ponder
in that hazy mindscape
It will be much fonder
If I wake up late.
My pillow.
O! Alarm, do go away.
Day by day and play by play,
Thou entice me into bed,
onto which I smash my head
into thine sweet embrace
I must confess - I like the lacey-lace.
My sexy pillow.
I doth bid thee a good night. Sleep tight, no bed bugs bite, no fright, no Visa checking account plight.
Good Night.